“Yes to everything scary.
Yes to everything that takes me out of my comfort zone.
Yes to everything that feels like it might be crazy.
Yes to everything that feels out of character.
Yes to everything that feels goofy.
Yes to everything.
Say yes.
Speak. Speak NOW.
“Yes,” I say. “Yes”
―Shonda Rhimes, Year of Yes
For those who know me, I joke that Shonda Rhimes is the reason I got myself into a number of interesting experiences. I listened to the audio and then read her book Year of Yes, and I decided to challenge myself to say yes to things that came my way for a year.
In January 2021, I started journaling a variety of questions each day as an experiment to see what I wanted to say yes to in my life.
Below are the questions that made the most significant impact:
What was my favorite memory this year?
What did I do that was out of my comfort zone or felt brave?
Where did I fail the hardest, and what did I learn?
Where was my greatest accomplishment, and what did I learn?
Did I have fun, and what did I do to foster fun?
What relationships did I show up for as my best?
What relationships did I show up for as my worst?
What was the most challenging part of this year?
What felt like the most significant win and my most significant loss?
Did I try new things this year - make a new friend, try a new restaurant, or take a class?
Did I make a difference in anyone’s life this year?
Did I take care of my health like I had planned this year (eating something fresh and unprocessed each day and drinking more water than lattes)?
Did I read or watch anything that impacted me or was significant?
Did I spend time with friends?
Did I travel?
Did I make donations to any group or organization?
Did I tell people I am grateful for and appreciate them in my life?
How did I show my gratitude and appreciation?
What are my intentions for this next year?
What word describes who I want to be this next year or how I want to feel?
How do you plan to show up in your life this year? What questions are you going to answer for yourself this year? I wish you the best in your journey!
Join me for a workshop to set your intentions for the year!