I am issuing a gratitude challenge to YOU!
There are several ways to express gratitude, and I challenge you to choose people in your life to whom you can express gratitude. The challenge is how I want you to do this. I want you to be intentional and specific in expressing gratitude towards them.
Most of us consider an expression of gratitude in the following ways:
A thank you card
Flowers or a gift
Using statements to say "I am thankful for you," "There are no words to express what you mean to me," and "I'm grateful for you as a friend."
The challenge I am issuing is to add intention to your gratitude and be specific.
Here is the difference:
My partner, Mike, is the cook in our house. To express gratitude to him, I would say, "I am grateful for how you love me with food and through your cooking."
For my friend Penny, I would say, "I am grateful for our thirty years of friendship as well as the light, laughter, and creativity you bring to our friendship."
To my father, I would say, "You have always worked hard and supported your family. I am grateful that you are always willing to help others in any way you can, especially your family."
You want to express gratitude, how the person makes you feel grateful, and the specific things they do or did. I have had some clients write a journal noting their gratitude challenge, what they said to whom, and the person's reaction. They keep the journal as a keepsake and a way to continue challenging themselves to maintain gratitude.
Enjoy the challenge!