I am not on team New Year's resolutions for several reasons. Many of us who set resolutions find they are not sustainable or achievable. Often, the goals are not realistic for the timelines we give them, or they are too vague without actionable steps to meet the goals. Instead, I prefer to set my intentions for how I want my year to look.
I recently came across an article related to this about creating a hope letter. Setting a goal is a great tool, but having the hope of reaching the goal is important. In addition to setting the goal, we have to have a level of belief in our ability to achieve it.
What is a hope letter, and how can you write one?
A hope letter is a letter you date a year from now. In the letter, you outline everything you want for your life, but in the context of it has already happened. Your letter can include finances, health, home or living space, family, career, relationships, recreational activities you want to pursue, and spiritual goals, all of which you have defined. You want to think about what would make this year amazing for you. You can write a letter at any time of the year. Do not feel you have to be tied to New Year's Day as a date to write your letter. I have had clients write letters on their birthday or after a special event. The purpose is to write the letter as if everything you wanted came true a year from now.
After you write the letter, tuck it away somewhere, give it to a friend to hold and mail back to you at a later date, or use an app that allows you to write your letter and have it e-mailed to you a year from the day you wrote it.
Think of the hope letter as a way to make positive life changes. When you write the letter, you remind yourself that you are in control of areas of your life, and the letter sets an intention to guide you. Instead of reacting to what life is sending your way, this is a way to be proactive in setting intentions, creating steps, and making them happen.
Like a birthday wish or an intention, not all areas may come true, but a year from now, you may be surprised by how many did! Get paper and a pen, you can download an app, and write your hope letter!
Join me Tuesday, January 7, 2025 for a workshop on Intentions and writing a hope letter